Sensual Blog
The Lamborghini of Protection-Sir Richard Condoms
The U.S. FDA has just released new labeling requirements for spermicidal lubricants including the indicated issue of increased vaginal irritation. Furthermore, they also contain parabens that are chemical preservatives that can interfere with the endocrine system, which includes ovaries, hypothalamus and thyroid glands.
Did you know that here is a Designer Condom Manufacter right here and close to home? Yep! And they are located in Boulder Colorado, about a 30 minute drive from Denver Sensual Massage by Sasha Lane.
What makes the Sir Richards Condoms different? I'm glad you asked...they are made useing 100% natural latex, which is important because they do not use any filler ingredients and latex is a renewable resource that comes from the rubber tree. These condoms are also Vegan Certified by the AVA American Vegetarian Association, meaning they do not contain the dairy product, Casein in their manufacturing process. Also the silicone-based lubricant does not contain ingredients that are known to be harmful to the body such as parabens and glycerin.
So if you are looking for a smooth Lamborghini like ride, on the way to Pound Town, just remember, DON'T OIL UP with anything other than silicone or water-based lube...or your "BIG DEAL" may wreck, crack and break this smooth Plaid Lambo-like Ulta Thin Designer Condom! Also recommened is the Extra Large, for Mr. Well-Endowed and you know who you are. Oh! And for every condom you buy, the company donates one to a develping country in need. Denver Sensual Massage by Sasha Lane never felt soooooo goooood!
My Favorite Lubes:
Uberlube Premium Luxury Lubricant
Sliquid Nauturals Silver Premium (organic)
Wet Platinum